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Stipendije vlade Australije


Kancelarija Tempus je od strane ambasade Australije dobila informaciju o mogucnosti da se konkurise za razlicite vrste studijskih boravaka u Australiji, a koji su stipendirani od strane australijske vlade. Konkursi su otvoreni do 30. juna 2011. godine, i u nastavku Vam prenosimo detalje o konkursu u originalu:

Australian  Government  Scholarship for International Students and Professionals

It is with great pleasure that we are  contacting you to advise of an outstanding opportunity  for international students and professionals to enhance their academic or professional qualifications.
The Endeavour Awards is the Australian Government’s internationally competitive, merit based scholarship program that offers high-performing students, researchers and professionals from around the world the opportunity to further their studies in Australia.

Recipients of Endeavour Awards have the opportunity to undertake study, research and professional development in any field in Australia.

There are four categories of Endeavour Awards:
·    Endeavour Postgraduate Award
·    Endeavour Research fellowship
·    Endeavour Vocational Education and Training (VET) Award
·    Endeavour executive award

These scholarships offer an outstanding opportunity to students wishing to study in Australia. All eligible students and professionals are encouraged to apply.
Applications are now open and close on 30 June 2011.
For further information about Endeavour Award and how to apply please visit http://www.studying-in-australia.org/scholarships/

Nacionalna Tempus kancelarija
Kneginje Zorke 77/6, 11000 Beograd, Serbia
Tel/fax: (011) 344 3342, (011) 344 3442

Stipendije za nastavnike i studente  scholarships[at]tempus.ac.rs